Buenas Prácticas en Europa: Higher education student and staff mobility project 2016-17

, por  Erasmus+ , popularidad : 2%


Este proyecto finalizado ha sido catalogado como buenas prácticas por los evaluadores.

The project has mobility students to make their practises and also for teachers to improve their skills in other languages, meet other productive environments, to expand the network of proffesional contacts that allow greater internationalization of the institucion IES JARDINES DE PUERTA OSCURA in Malaga. These projects are based on previous contacts that continuously takes this institution with other organizations for more than 5 years.
This high school has a vocational training courses in Administration and finances. We have the Eche title (2014-2020) for the mobility Erasmus.
The objectives of the Eche title are the next:
- Mobility of students to be able to apprenticeships in different companies for other countries, which in our case is Germany. Furthermore, our partner send to Malaga other students to make practises.
- Mobility to staff and teachers to improve the teaching-learning process, to increase the educative quality, to look for other partners for new projects, etc.

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